Ronald Morrish was an educator for 26 years with the District School Board of Niagara in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. During that time, he taught regular education and special education classes, was a learning resource teacher, and spent 16 years as the District's behaviour specialist. He then became an independent consultant presenting seminars for teachers, parent groups and childcare providers.
Mr. Morrish has written and published two books. His first book, Secrets of Discipline, provides twelve keys for raising responsible children without deal-making, arguments, and confrontations. His second book, With All Due Respect, focuses on improving school discipline and classroom management. He has also produced FlipTips, a mini-book of discipline tips and helpful hints, drawn from his books and presentations.
Mr. Morrish's educational background includes two undergraduate degrees: one in psychology from Queen's University and one in education from Lakehead University, as well as a Masters degree in education from the University of Toronto.